Team ElliTe Shines Again!

Jul 18th, 2023

Team ElliTe, who we are proud sponsors of, have once again displayed their incredible talent and dedication at the prestigious Dance World Cup held in Braga, Portugal. With over 7,500 dancers from 50 countries competing, the stakes were high, but Team ElliTe, representing England, emerged victorious, securing and outstanding record of accomplishments.

Overcoming fierce competition, our extraordinary dancers claimed an astonishing total of 16 medals, including 3 world champion titles, 7 runner-up positions, and 6 bronze positions. It was a truly remarkable feat as every single one of our 44 dancers returned home adorned with a medal, a testament to their sheer talent and relentless hard work!

Caval is incredibly proud to be a sponsor of Team ElliTe, and witnessing their passion and commitment has been an absolute privilege. The hours of practice, their unwavering determination, and the support from the coaching staff have all played crucial roles in their remarkable success.

Team ElliTe are an inspiration to young dancers worldwide, encouraging them to chase their dreams and strive for excellence. The team’s impressive track record serves as a shining example of what passion, commitment, and perseverance can achieve.

Congratulations once again to Team ElliTe on their phenomenal achievements! We stand proudly by your side and eagerly await your future successes!

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